Highly Experienced HCPC CSP Registered Specialist Physiotherapists.
You are safe in our hands!

You will receive specialist treatment of any injury, ache, or pain, with individualised treatment and rehabilitation programs. We pride ourselves on exceptional diagnostic skills, ensuring unrushed and thorough treatment.
We accept self-referral, GP/Consultant referrals, and Insurance referrals.
We can arrange for x-rays and MRI/CT scans as needed.
Common conditions seen by the clinic are:
Sports or activity related injury
Back or neck pain
Whiplash injury
Post Surgery Rehab, e.g. hip or knee replacements
'Trapped' nerve or sciatica
Muscular pain or strains, Ligament sprain, Tendonopathy
Frozen shoulder, Tennis/Golfers Elbow
Headaches, Stress, Tension
Post-natal Rehabilitation
Treatments you could receive:
Joint mobilisation/manipulation (based on physiotherapy, chiropractor, osteopath techniques).
Soft tissue mobilisation/massage.
Acupuncture, Therapeutic Ultrasound.
Biomechanical/movement dysfunction analysis.
Taping and orthotics.
Trigger/pressure point release.
Lumbar core stabilisation.
Rehabilitation exercise.
Pain management and injury prevention advice.
Ergonomic advice/Posture correction.
Initial Consultation £49 Follow up Treatment £39
What our customers are saying
"I had developed a painful knee when running 5km+, so after using google to find a local physio, I found Belper Life-Fitness & Performance Physio and booked a session. Ruth was very professional, providing excellent hands-on treatment and explained everything I needed to do to stretch and exercise to get me back running and feeling more confident in exercising. It was great, as she was very honest and only asked me to come back for a single follow up appointment!"
A. Parry