Welcome to Belper Pilates Studio
Class Booking Calendar
Mat Work, Beginners, or Pilates Props/Strength & Conditioning class click on the calendar date below and book your sessions
Payment required at the time of booking.
TO BOOK: Reformer Classes or Clinical Pilates please text or call Ruth on 07703 116284.
CLICK HERE To View Class Price List 2023
Welcome to Belper Pilates Studio...The Pilates Physios
The only Reformer, Large Equipment, and Mat Work Studio in the area run by health professionals.
Guided corrective classes, bespoke, rehabilitation, and clinical.
“Every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things”. Joseph Pilates
All classes are high quality Physio-Led sessions suitable for all including those with back pain/injury or other musculoskeletal problems.
What is Pilates?
Pilates is a mat-based exercise method designed to strengthen and restore the body to balance based upon an understanding of the muscular and skeletal systems and how the body moves.
It is great form of exercise for anyone regardless of age and fitness level as we all will have existing alignment and muscle dysfunctions as the body is very clever at compensating for weaknesses and mal-alignment. It is not until these compensations fail that we develop pain or injury. As we get older our balance and proprioception naturally declines and this is a great form of exercise to prevent and slow this deterioration.
The main focus is the lumbar-pelvic region as this is our centre-of-gravity and contains our deep core stabilisers. This is what makes Pilates great for rehabilitating muscle imbalances, poor alignment, and injury as well as toning and developing exceptional core and abdominal strength.
Physiotherapists, Doctors, and Spinal Consultants recommend Pilates as one of the safest forms of exercise today. It is also recommended during and after pregnancy to address the changes in muscle length, pelvic stability, and body alignment during this time to prevent long-term problems such as Pelvic Girdle Pain, Pubic Symphasis Disorder, and Lower Back Pain.
Exercises such as sit-ups do not increase core stability or flatten the tummy (unless it incorporates the Pilates method of muscle activation) and just exercises our superficial muscles. Pilates teaches you how to hold and use your body during other exercise such as running or weight training to, improve technique and therefore power output, activate your stabilisers and prevent injury. Classes will focus on specific areas individually whilst using exercises that integrate the whole body to re-educate and restore it to optimum muscular and skeletal function.